Garbage Collector

Tales from an old nibble

Toggling MC18 Navigation (and Status) Bar visible state

On Zebra MC18 with Android, it’s possible to toggle the NavBar visible status with a XML configuration file…

Enterprise Browser and DataWedge on Android - friends at the end

Enterprise Browser 1.4, out of the box, disable DataWedge on Android to be able to fully control the barcode scanner. Here you can find a …

Disabling Home Button on Zebra Android devices

Mx v4.3 introduce includes a feature in the OS that allows to disable the Home Button using Mx through the EMDK or StageNow.

Managing Display AutoRotation from StageNow

Obsolete - Zebra Technologies’ StageNow is a powerful tool that allows to easily stage a lot of the parameters required on COBO …

Disabling MC40 Home Button with a custom intent

MC40 with Android v4.1 and v4.4 includes a feature in the OS that allows to disable the Home Button through an Intent.

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