Garbage Collector

Tales from an old nibble

(Xamarin.Forms + FreshMVVM + DataWedge) take 2

We’re going to review the code presented in the last post to add some more functionalities and make it a bit more modular.

Xamarin.Forms + FreshMVVM + DataWedge = 💖

Xamarin Forms is getting traction with Zebra’s Partners and End-Users and a light framework like FreshMVVM looks the perfect …

Xamarin.Forms + FreshMVVM for enterprise applications

Xamarin Forms is getting traction with Zebra’s Partners and End-Users and a light framework like FreshMVVM looks the perfect …

Zebra's EMDK Async Profile Manager APIs

A step-by-step introduction to the Async version of the Zebra’s EMDK for Android APIs to process Mx profiles.

Here be Dragons - The Enterprise Mobile Security Journey

This blog started out as a series of notes for a talk I've presented in April 2018 at a couple of events (Droidcon Dubai and Droidcon Turin) with my Zebra Technologies hat. Feel free to provide comments and feedback.

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